good songs


Hi, this is Masayo. I've been translating English songs into Japanese. Japanese people do love English songs but they need subtitles or translation to love them rather than just like them. So that you can get Japanese indie rock kids fans from online. One of my passions is to make peace using pop music. Puck Futin, BLM and Stop Asian Hate, etc. Pop music is the key. So, translators are the key. Feel free to send me emails. kaseno.m ︎ 
 Masayo Kaseno 青山学院大学フランス文学科卒ですが、高校卒業以来、英語は独学です。現在英検1級勉強中です。誤訳、間違い発見された場合は、下記メールアドレスまでお知らせいただけますと幸いです。 kaseno.m✨